Thursday, August 11, 2005

James Part 10

I moved back in with mom for the second time but this time I got a Christmas job at a department store even though I was 7 almost 8 months pregnant with Anna. The department store had just opened up at our local mall and they hired a bunch of pregnant girls that were due around Christmas or right after Christmas so they would not have to fire many people after the holidays.

James was still around and mom even let him stay at her house some nights. I slept on the couch because it was more comfortable and James (when he did sleep...cause the drugs kept him up most nights) would sleep in my room on the bottom bunk (I shared a room with Jessica) or he would stay up all night cleaning (he could clean) or playing video games with my brothers.

I was still going to school during this time and I was doing pretty good. James and I would get a room every few nights and stay at a motel not far from my mothers home just so we could be alone. We fought a lot during that time and I remember one night I rolled away from him so my back was to him (we were most likely fighting about his drug use) and he put his arm around me and said "baby, baby talk to, Mandy......." OOPS! Yep...he called me by a name other then my own. I was pissed. The room that we stayed in that night had two beds. I made him get out of my bed and sleep on the floor. The floor had no was a very cold hard icky floor. This was in October or November so it was cold out side and you know that floor was like laying on ice.

I only stayed in that room the whole night because I was very tired and upset. James tried to explain but I had nothing so say to him and wanted to hear nothing come out of his mouth. I made him sleep there with no covers hoping that he would freeze to death.

I woke up the next morning before he did. James was still sleeping on the floor uncovered when I got up. I left him there and walked back home. When I got home I acted like nothing happened and did not tell mom was nobody's business!

James called a few times and I told everyone that I was not there but mom made me talk to him so I got on the phone so mom would not ask questions and I remember keeping the call short but I do not remember what was said. I only wanted to get off the phone with him. I think I remember him saying that he would come over later that night to "talk".

When James did get to the house I opened the door and he just stood there and said something to make me look like an ass for not talking to him so here I am with my big belly jumping up in the air so I could give him a good slap across his face. He never saw it coming and I felt better when I saw the surprise on his face. I told him to get away from the house or I would call the cops on him. He had warrants out on him so he left after we fought verbally for a few more min.

to be continued.................


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